The breast is one of the most important organs, especially for a woman. It is a symbol of both fertility and femininity. In addition to this, it is one of the biggest problems a woman can experience that she is very small or asymmetrical, or not at all after surgeries such as cancer, even though it is very rare, she is not born at all. Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery is the right place for the solution of all these. Talking only about plastic surgery is insufficient for the situations I mentioned above. Therefore, we need to consider all of these as plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, which is a large field.
Of course, breast aesthetics is not limited to women only. Today, the appearance holds an important place for men as well. Due to our progress in an age where visuality is increasingly important, our sensitivity to our appearance is increasing accordingly. The most common complaints in men are excessive breast size (we call it gynecomastia) and sagging due to excess weight loss.
The results obtained from breast aesthetics are quite satisfactory for both genders. Breast augmentation, breast reduction, asymmetric breast repair, repair of sagging especially after births or excess weight loss, breast reconstruction operations with or after mastectomy operations, gynecomastia repair are increasing in the world and in our country. Developing technology and the accompanying development of surgical techniques ensure that the results are much more satisfactory.